So. Many. Beers.

It has been quiet here for a while… The main reason for that is that I am spending the spare time I have on my upcoming beer school exam (if I make it, I can go to the Kiesbye Akademie in Obertrum, Austria, to become a Doemens International Diplom Biersommelier!), rather than jotting down random thoughts here…

In the meantime, though, I threw a little party. I completed 40 orbits around the Sun, and where else to celebrate that than at a brewery 🙂

My lovely wife instructed everybody, just as a fun extra, to bring a beer that reminded them of me. Apparently, I remind people of quite the variety:

Among some other presents, you see no less than 81 beers, 67 unique ones. At my normal rate that will take me close to three months, if I drink nothing else, to get through! With the upcoming exam, and because it is more than likely that I don’t only consume from this selection, I will probably be good for more than half a year now… (I’m not quitting on subscriptions!). Thanks everyone, I had a great time!

ps. You might have noticed the change of names. I wanted to get rid of the reference to the bird site, as I am no longer active there…

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